Pat Caudill & Family

Pat Caudill's son (Salvation)


William (brain cancer)

Charlie McCormick(Salvation)
Brian Baker
Joshua L.
Raymond & Mary Baker
Unspoken Requests
Our Country
China Virus
Our children
Unsaved loved ones

Janet Cyrus

Barb Baker

Evans Family

Marcum Family

2022 Graduates

Iris Baker

Alexis Wickham

Vickie Williams

Lawrence (friend of Tony B's)​​


"Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

Luke 21:36 (KJV)

Members' Requests

Prayer Submission Form

Have we missed someone to remember in prayer?  Do you have a spoken or unspoken request that you want us to help you pray about?  Email us at PrayerRequests@ypsilantibaptisttemple.orgwith "Prayer Request" in the subject line, then let us know your request(s) so our Prayer Warriors can remember them when they call upon the God in prayer; or submit yourrequests to us online.

If you are in an in-person service with us, please see Deacon Jerry Smith, Pastor Jim Clay or Webmaster Tanya Norris with your requests and we'll see that they are added to our site. If you are watching during our Live Streaming, please leave your prayer request in the comments or submit a request to us through our online submission form.

Pastor Jim & Debi Clay

Bob & Karen Krellwitz
Jerry &  Connie Smith

Sue Cantrell
Rich & Sharon Robine

Ernie McCormick
Greg, Charlie & Gage McCormick

Peggy Hooper
Russ & Crewmembers

Wilma & Henry Baker
Bro. Bobby Hall
Benjamin West(Salvation)
Teresa & Burlin P

Edna Daves
Wayde Baker(Salvation)


​Natalie Taylor ​(auto accident)

Lindsey Wilson - 
Karen P's granddaughter (Auto Accident)

Tony Burns (Cancer)

Terry Butterbaugh -Tanya's uncle - (on vent after major surgery)

Fran Rousseau

Gobbel Family (loss of loved one)

Ypsilanti Baptist Temple

Leonard Family 

​Brian (health issues - Gabby's boyfriend)

Norma B (health issues)

David C (health issues - Debi's uncle)

Carl (health issues - Debi's uncle)

Pat Caudill (health issues)

Yvonne - friend of Tanya's (health issues)